Fabrication vs. Machining

Fabrication Versus Machining: Which One Is Right For You?

Is metal fabrication the right process for your needs?

Do you know the difference between sheet metal fabricating and machining? More importantly–do you know which process is better suited to your needs? Don’t worry if you’re not sure. Precision Engineering can now handle BOTH!

Download our Fabrication vs. Machining Guide to learn:

  • Whether fabricating or machining is the right choice for your products
  • What materials can be used in fabricating and machining
  • Inspection requirements for fabricating and machining
  • What shapes can be fabricated versus machined
  • When it is better to fabricate, and when you should machine.

What is Metal Fabricating?

Metal fabricating is the process by which metal is cut, shaped, or molded into a final product. While some products are assembled from ready-made components, a fabricated product is created from raw or semi-finished materials.

What is Machining?

Like metal fabricating, machining is a broad term to describe a type of process. Machining During the machining process, powerful machine tools remove material from the original workpiece to shape it into your design. Metal is most commonly machined, but you can also use this process for plastics, rubbers, and paper goods.

Who is Precision Engineering?

Precision Engineering, LLC is an ISO-certified and ITAR-registered advanced metalworking contract manufacturer of custom sheet metal components and assemblies, delivering high-quality solutions to support our customers’ complex supply chain requirements.

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